Sunday, May 29, 2011

Misis Tikboy's Lykae

As I was about to finish my shift Misis Tikboy just popped up a question in our BBM...

Misis: Will you be my Lykae?
Tikboy: Lykae? As in Lycan? :)
Misis: Nope. A lykae has only 1 mate in his lifetime. He marks her and everyone will know that she is his. He can scent her wherever she is. He will protect her and will kill if someone hurts her.
Tikboy: Yes! Yes! Yes! I'll be your lykae :*

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Being transcends appearance

I was reading the book The Shack last week by William Young and I was struck by this conversation between Jesus and Mack. I find it very amusing... read on.

"Yes, Mackenzie?"
"I am surprised by one thing about you."
"Really? What?"
"I guess I expected you to be more," be careful here Mack, "uh...well, humanly striking."
Jesus chuckled. "Humanly striking? You mean handsome." Now he was laughing.
"Well, I was trying to avoid that, but yes. Somehow I thought you'd be the ideal man, you know, athletic and overwhelmingly good looking."
"It's my nose, isn't it?"
"I just thought you'd be better looking."
"By whose standards? Anyway, once you really get to know me, it won't matter to you."

I was laughing really hard when I first read this. But then it suddenly hit me, what Jesus said is true. When we really know a person we don't care if he's black or white, small or tall, fat or thin. What we see is the person behind the appearance - better yet, the soul beneath the body. In their conversation, Jesus said that it's plain and simple - being transcends appearance. That once we begin to know the being behind the very pretty or very ugly face, as determined by our bias, the surface appearances fade away until they simply no longer matter. Wonderful. Just wonderful.

Now I know why I am not very particular about a person's physical characteristics. It's because being transcends appearance.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cozy In Love

Gone were the times when you work and plan so you can please... gone were the times when you try not to slip a burp or (goodness) a fart... Gone were the times when you need to always be smart, good looking and proper - me and my Tikboy has already reached that level that we are already cozy and comfortable. Comfortable enough that we no longer ran when we need to let go of a human "need" (hahahahaha!).

They say being cozy can become a routine...or it can be unsexy - I beg to disagree. I still feel that excitement when she looks at me... I still feel that tingle when she kisses my hand. Oh yes, the excitement is still there...

True love is when you are able to laugh after she farts...true love is when you can hug her and still say I love you after you said 'bantot ng kili kili mo!!!!" :)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Feeling mayaman

At Marriot's Newport Coast Villas. The view of the ocean is breathtaking.

Sweet :)

Someday I will have a vacation house here.

Looking good.

Yep. My wife.

LA trip

The oldest house in LA. Restored after the earthquake of 1971.

The oldest restaurant, La Golondrina along Olvera Street in downtown LA.

Kodak Theatre. Where's the red carpet?

Need I say more?

Monday, February 14, 2011

I "Heart" You

We've never really celebrated Valentine's day even when we were in the Philipiines. Katwiran namin, everyday is a love day for us.... and besides, no use of competing with other couples. Mapu-frustrate ka lang kasi lahat puno (ehek!). At the stroke of midnight, Mr and Mrs Tikboy has this to say to each other:

Misis to Tikboy:

"For it was not into my ear you whispered but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul...Happy Valentine's Day Mahal. I love you."

Tikboy to Misis:

"My heart knows no bounderies. My soul yearns for yours. I have fallen and risen, gone astray and found the path again. Now and for all eternity, everything I do will be for you. All of my heart. All of my soul. All that I am. All of my life. Happy valentine's Day Mahal. I love you."

San ka pa???! Parang wedding vows ah, hahahahaha!

Happy Hearts Day!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Looking back then moving forward

Our lives are entwined since the day we realized how much we love each other. From that day on we have ventured into this epic journey of gargantuan proportions that when I try to look back I couldn't believe how much time we have spent together, how much time we spent apart, how much time we invest in each other and the dream that we have. Now, each time I try to back track I couldn't help but cry and smile at the same time. There are times that you ask me how long can I keep up with you, how long can I wait, how long can I hold on... I tell you now and I will keep on telling you - I will be here until the day we make our vows. I will be here until the day our dreams come true. I will be here until the day that you realize that I have always been the one for you.

It took me a while to realize that you are the only one for me. Stupid jerk that I am for letting you go and straying from the path that always led to you. But I am all past that now. It amazes me to think that with just one word all else changed. How I see you, what I feel for you, how I see things around you. We've gone past that stage of impressing each other with the way we look. All I can see now is how we'll look like in our most vulnerable moment without trying to look good. The bare essentials of being comfortable and at ease with one another. That I love. That I cherish. That I look forward to everyday.

I love you. I will not tire of saying it again and again every moment of every day. Because I really do. And I love you because you are you. Plain and simple. Naughty and nice. I just do. I cherish each day that I wake up because of you.

All that I have. All that I am. All of my life. I am yours.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Saka na ang kwento!

Yes Mahal..

3 days of quality time with my wife.. I just couldn't get enough! Bitiiiiiiiiin!