Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Loving Me

I'm still on vacation mode. I wish I stayed longer in LA but I can't. My Tikboy needed to start re-establishing her home ground. We just did a lot of traveling and didn't spend real fun time together... Oh well, we'll have that next time.

This will be another new adventure for us. New place. New people. New things to learn. Mahirap na masarap. It was hard to let go of things that are familiar but one has to move on and find that niche that is meant for you. Things didn't start out easy but that big hump is over.

I look back on all things that had happened this past 2-3 years and I smile.

What proof do I still need? None. Kung hindi love ito, eh ano? If I have done my sacrifices, my Tikboy is now doing hers. She followed me here. Showed me that she can do anything just to be near me. She turned her life around... for me... for us.

I was reading something off the internet when this quote caught my attention - "Love is like an earthquake - unpredictable, a little scary but when the hard part is over, you realize how lucky you truly are.. "

Thank you Mahal. I love you.

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